Upcoming Events…
Missionally Engaging in your Local Community – 8 Session On Line Course September to November 2023 – Details below and Book Here   
CMS Undergraduate Certificate in Theology Mission and Ministry Level 4 Qualification (University of Durham accredited) with a new housing specialism. Starts September 2023.  Individual new housing modules also available. Contact here


Missionally Engaging in your Local Community – 8 Session On Line Course – Created and facilitated by Ali Boulton 

Exploring theology, practice and transformation

For Autumn 2023 Course starting  13th September Book Here

Or for more details: please contact Ruth at admin@boultons.org

An 8 session course about missionally engaging in our community – loving the community, making disciples, birthing contextually relevant church.

Theology, Practice and Transformation (of ourselves and our community) are three key principles of the course.

This course is not about being given all the answers! Neither is it a simple blueprint for community engagement and making disciples/birthing church.  It is about unpacking some theology and exploring what God might be leading you to do and be in your context. It is about having an openness to be transformed by God ourselves as we pray for God’s kingdom to come in our communities.

The course is suitable for a new housing context or general incarnational community engagement.

Quotes from previous course attenders…
“For anyone wishing to embark on engagement in the local community, you will find this course a great blessing and an inspiration… It was laden with theology and practical approaches on how we could engage with our community experientially. We were encouraged to keep God at the centre of all we do…I was greatly challenged and blessed by this course. “MB

“Wonderfully fresh teaching to apply Bible principles of kingdom living in new places among new communities. Thank you” KK

“Great to learn with like-minded people about issues that are relevant to the church today. Ali shares her heart and passion for those outside of the church but it is firmly biblically based.” EL

“This is an excellent course, offering very practical and insightful guidance into getting started with or building up on engaging missionally in your local community.” LS

Course Outline

Session 1 – Introduction Why Underlying Principles?
A Character First, Values Led Approach. Putting the why before the what.

Session 2 – Blessing Unconditionally
‘I will bless you… and you will be a blessing’ Exploring a theology of blessing and mediating God’s blessing

Session 3 – Living Incarnationally
The Word became Flesh’ Embodying Christ practically and spiritually in our community

Session 4 – Listening to God and the Community
How can we find out what the Spirt is doing and join in?

Session 5 – Being Friends
Jesus said I call you friends’ – Having the posture of a servant not a master

Session 6 – Laying Down our Lives
‘Whoever want to be my disciple must…take up their cross.’  Embracing the call to discipleship, and disciple making. Living it out authentically (Identifying and living out your DNA)

Session 7 – Laying Down our Agenda for Church
What might a contextually relevant church be like?

Session 8 – Keeping on Going
Personal/Team resilience and sustainability, On-going spiritual sustainability, succession planning

The cost of the course on Zoom is £12.50 per session, per person – thus £100 per person in total  – although please do get in touch with Ruth at admin@boultons.org if this presents an issue. There is a grant available for Baptists for this particular course, again, contact Ruth for details.

Dates for Course 

Day: Wednesday  (usually fortnightly)

Time: 8 – 9.30pm

Dates:  13 Sept, 27 Sept, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 22 Nov, 29 Nov

Putting it into practice…
In between session each team or individual will be encouraged to seek to embody the learning practically in their context or work out how they will do that in the future. This will be part of the peer group sharing and prayer.

Peer Groups
Peer Groups are essentially an opportunity to have time and share encouragements and challenges; listen to God together; pray for the community you are engaging with – and to pray for one another as you step out in faith. You will be encouraged to meet with a peer group – either your team or a group you develop from the course.

Course Creator and Facilitator

Rev Alison Boulton

Practitioner, Consultant, Researcher – New Housing Engagement

New Housing Hub Director

BUGB Pioneer Ambassador

The New Housing Hub – Working together to share God’s love in EVERY new community

Book Here